Join us for the Announcement of the Winning Team on March 24!

The official announcement of the winning team for the LGBTQ2+ National Monument will take place online on March 24 at 10:00 a.m. EST.

Register to join us.

This special event will include presentations by members of the winning design team, LGBT Purge Fund and representatives of the Government of Canada.

The invitation is open to all and we particularly encourage attendance from the community who has contributed to the creation of the LGBTQ2+ National Monument — a diverse group that includes: survivors; rights holders; Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ First Nations, Inuit and Métis people; activists; historians; design professionals; legal experts; allies; and so many more.

The Monument became possible in 2018, when the historic LGBT Purge settlement was won against the Canadian Government and funds were dedicated to the project in the memory of Purge victims who didn’t live to see compensation. In 2019, hundreds of people contributed to a comprehensive Vision for the Monument. In 2020, that Vision guided design teams as they dreamed up what a monument to both the LGBT Purge and to wider discrimination against LGBTQ2+ people in Canada might look and feel like. Thousands of people shared their thoughts on the five finalist proposals in 2021 — feedback that was instrumental in guiding the Monument jury’s decision. And now we arrive at another milestone.

Thank you for joining us on this historic journey.

Have your say on the LGBTQ2+ National Monument Proposals!

We are delighted to share the five finalist designs for the LGBTQ2+ National Monument. You’re invited to view these evocative concepts and provide your feedback, now until Nov 28th!

The LGBTQ2+ National Monument will tell the story of generations of all LGBTQ2+ people in Canada who have been persecuted, abused, dismissed and marginalized because of who they desire and how they identify. It will acknowledge discrimination experienced by LGBTQ2+ communities and the abuse perpetrated by the Canadian state, including during the LGBT Purge. While recognizing enduring injury and injustice, the LGBTQ2+ National Monument will educate, memorialize, celebrate and inspire. It will be guided by principles of inclusion, Indigeneity, visibility and timelessness.

See how five exceptional teams have responded to the Monument vision and have your say!


Read the press release issued by Canadian Heritage here.