Community Grant Application Guidelines


In spring 2024, the LGBT Purge Fund’s Board of Directors re-opened the Fund’s community grant program. The grants distributed in 2025 will not exceed $250,000 in total, and no single grant will exceed $25,000.

Project Eligibility

Eligible projects must memorialize the LGBT Purge and/or provide support to those affected. The Board of Directors may also consider applications for projects that complement this criteria by supporting reconciliation and/or memorialization measures related to the LGBT Purge.

Required Information

  • A description of the organization, entity or person(s) seeking funds
  • The amount of funds requested
  • Contact details (phone, email and mailing address)
  • A description of the project’s scope and plan
  • A description of how it supports the criteria above
  • A detailed budget indicating how the funds will be used
  • Names and positions of the individuals responsible for the project
  • A commitment to send the LGBT Purge Fund a written report, within 30 days following the project. The report must provide an accounting of how the funds were used and how the project’s objectives were achieved.


There is no specific deadline for submission of grant application.
Applications will be reviewed by the Board as they are received.
Please note, it may take up to three months to receive a reply.

Application Submission

May be written in English or French
Must be submitted in Word doc format
Email completed applications to

Please Note

All grants provided by the LGBT Purge Fund are approved by its board of directors and must adhere to the grant-making policy developed by the LGBT Purge Fund.

The Final Settlement Agreement also guides all grants made by the LGBT Purge Fund.

Each grant recipient must enter into a formal grant agreement that is signed by both parties. The terms of the grant agreement include that the grant recipient consents to the publishing of details of their grant, must respect all laws, regulations and tax obligations, and submit a final accounting of all expenses used in the fulfillment of the project that received funding. Unspent funds must be returned to the LGBT Purge Fund.

The Board of Directors of the LGBT Purge Fund is the sole and final decision-maker on all requests for funding.