
Have your say on the LGBTQ2+ National Monument Proposals!

We are delighted to share the five finalist designs for the LGBTQ2+ National Monument. You’re invited to view these evocative concepts and provide your feedback, now until Nov 28th!

The LGBTQ2+ National Monument will tell the story of generations of all LGBTQ2+ people in Canada who have been persecuted, abused, dismissed and marginalized because of who they desire and how they identify. It will acknowledge discrimination experienced by LGBTQ2+ communities and the abuse perpetrated by the Canadian state, including during the LGBT Purge. While recognizing enduring injury and injustice, the LGBTQ2+ National Monument will educate, memorialize, celebrate and inspire. It will be guided [...]

Finalization of the LGBT Purge Class Action proceedings

On November 23, 2021 at 09:30 a.m., there will be a Federal Court of Canada hearing on matters relating to the LGBT Purge Class Action lawsuit (Todd Ross et al v. Her Majesty the Queen). Lawyers who represent the plaintiffs and the LGBT Purge Fund (Cambridge LLP) will be in court, as will lawyers representing the government. The class action proceedings are being finalized. Details of the proceedings will be sent to class members by their lawyers. It will be possible to watch the proceedings by Zoom link. You can register in advance at this link.

Advisory Council announced for CMHR exhibition on the LGBT Purge

We are delighted to share details of the Advisory Council, which has just been created to support a major project at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

Co-chaired by delegates from the CMHR and the LGBT Purge Fund, the Council will guide the development of a major temporary exhibition due to open in 2024, a travelling exhibition, a long-term exhibit in the CMHR core galleries and programs and online content.

The members of the Advisory Council are:

Ex-officio: Michelle Douglas. LGBT Purge Fund Executive Director, Purge survivor, former Canadian Armed Forces officer. Ottawa. Co-chair: Douglas Elliott. LGBT Purge Fund board member, class action lead lawyer. Elliot [...]

LGBT Purge Fund releases “Emerging from the Purge: The State of LGBTQI2S Inclusion in the Federal Workplace and Recommendations for Improvement”

OTTAWA (May 17, 2021) – Today, on this International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), and in recognition of the thousands of LGBT federal employees who were abused over 50 years during the LGBT Purge, the LGBT Purge Fund has released a new report, Emerging from the Purge: The State of LGBTQI2S Inclusion in the Federal Workplace and Recommendations for Improvement.

You can download an abstract of the report here or download the full report here.

The report is the product of a year-long study by subject matter experts from Egale Canada and Fondation Émergence who conducted consultations [...]

“Survivor Stories” launches on YouTube

A new oral history project is underway that captures the stories of LGBT Purge Survivors. The “Survivor Stories” series is available on YouTube here and a selection of the videos is below.  This collection is ongoing and we encourage survivors of the LGBT Purge to share their stories.

To participate, send an email to:

The LGBT Purge Fund provided a grant to SandBay Entertainment for this project.

Watch the entire collection here on YouTube.